Miami holds the title of ‘Cruise Capital of the World’ with more than 4 million cruise passengers a year.
Miami holds the title of ‘Cruise Capital of the World’ with more than 4 million cruise
passengers a year. The excellent infrastructures of Port Miami located in an ideal tourist
destination make Miami the perfect departure point for cruises ending in the Bahamas,
Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Cayman Islands and the rest of the Caribbean.
Many of these travelers come from colder areas in the United States and Canada to make
good use of their vacations by escaping the harsh winter and taking refuge in the warm sun
of Miami and the Caribbean. Many others arrive from other countries in the Americas and
the rest of the world. In all cases, more and more travelers are taking advantage of their
stay in Miami to extend their vacations for a few days and enjoy the city.
Miami Apartment Rentals is the perfect choice for short-term accommodation in Miami.
Come to Miami a few days before you set sail and enjoy its shops, restaurants and lively
cultural life. Or stay for few days after your return to get your ‘land legs’ back before
returning home.
Your next cruise departs from Miami? Extend your vacation for a few days and stay in one
of the luxury apartments with superb sea views offered by Miami Apartment Rentals.